Celebrating World Blood Donor Day 2013

Posted on June 14th, by admin in All News, Events. Comments Off on Celebrating World Blood Donor Day 2013

Celebrating World Blood Donor Day 2013

Every year, on 14 June, countries around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day. The event serves to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products and to thank voluntary unpaid blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood.

Transfusion of blood and blood products helps save millions of lives every year. However, in many countries, there is not an adequate supply of safe blood, and blood services face the challenge of making sufficient blood available, while also ensuring its quality and safety.

The focus for this year’s campaign – the 10th anniversary of World Blood Donor Day – is blood donation as a gift that saves lives.

The objectives of this year’s campaign are to:

  • thank blood donors for their life-saving donations;
  • promote voluntary unpaid blood donation; and
  • convince ministries of health to commit to achieving self-sufficiency in safe blood and blood products based on 100% voluntary unpaid blood donation.

The host country for World Blood Donor Day 2013 is France. Through its national blood service, the Etablissement Français du Sang (EFS), France has been promoting voluntary non remunerated blood donation since the 1950s. A global event will be held in Paris on this special day (June 14th).

Celebrate World Blood Donor Day with us by sharing and liking our Facebook book page. This helps us spread the word about importance of voluntary blood donation in Trinidad and Tobago since our blood banks are always in need of more blood. Visit our Facebook page.

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Media Centre

Through our events and activities we intend to raise awareness of the importance of blood donation in Trinidad and Tobago. Visit our media centre regularly since it's constantly updated with photo galleries and videos of past events as well as updates and details on current and future events.

Step by Step Guide to Blood Donation
Below is a step by step video guide to blood donation created by The Daughters of Hippocrates.


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