Category: Features

Step by Step Guide to Blood Donation

4th April

Below is a step by step video guide to blood donation created by The Daughters of Hippocrates.


UWIBDF – The process of blood donation

3rd February

A decision to donate your blood can save a life, or even several if your blood is separated into its components — red cells, platelets and plasma — which can be used individually for patients with specific conditions. See below for more information and to view the process for donating blood.


Media Centre

Through our events and activities we intend to raise awareness of the importance of blood donation in Trinidad and Tobago. Visit our media centre regularly since it's constantly updated with photo galleries and videos of past events as well as updates and details on current and future events.

Step by Step Guide to Blood Donation
Below is a step by step video guide to blood donation created by The Daughters of Hippocrates.


UWIBDF – The process of blood donation

A decision to donate your blood can save a life, or even several if your blood is separated into its components — red cells,...

UWI BDF featured in UWI Today – March Issue
Voluntary blood donation (VBD) means that healthy members of the society donate blood selflessly.

The UWI Blood Donor Foundation has been featured in the UWI...

Prospective Partners

Through our past efforts we’ve formed partnerships with several respected organizations that share our concerns. As our growth continues we aim to create more...

10 Interesting Facts about Blood Donation

There are many interesting facts surrounding blood donation that you may be unaware of, so, we decided to compile a list of ten (10)...